Outreach, Education, & Science Communication

As scientists, we have a responsibility to the public to effectively communicate science and combat misinformation.

I am constantly developing my science outreach and communication skills by writing and editing articles, producing and hosting the Knowing Neurons podcast, working as a graduate teaching assistant for undergraduate science courses, and conducting educational outreach for middle- and high-school students.

Knowing Neurons Podcast

Science Writing & Editing Portfolio

Science Education & Outreach

Knowing Neurons | Contributing Editor & Content Producer

Since September 2020

  • Produce and host a podcast, write and edit science articles, and create interactive quizzes for this neuroscience educational outreach website.

Drug Outreach Promoting Awareness (DOPA) | Graduate TA

January - June 2021

  • Facilitated connections with local middle and high schools, led undergraduate students in development of interactive drug outreach demonstrations, informational social media posts, and research assignments, and graded assignments for two-quarter undergraduate neuroscience capstone course (NEURO C-177 and 192C).

  • Collected education data on the effectiveness of online-format science outreach (pre- and post-outreach assessments) - ongoing.

Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory | Graduate TA

April - June 2020

  • Led lab exercises, assisted in development of online course format (due to COVID-19), graded assessments, and held office hours and review sessions for undergraduate behavioral neuroscience class (PSYCH 116).

Functional Neuroanatomy | Graduate TA

September - December 2019

  • Developed and led lab exercises, generated questions for, proctored, and graded midterm, final, and lab practicum examinations, and held office hours and review sessions for undergraduate neuroanatomy class (NEURO 102).

CK-12 Foundation | Biology & Life Science Content Developer

May - December 2018

  • Curated and created videos, interactive practice tools, and other modules for online "Flexbooks" at this K-12 STEM education nonprofit.

Intersectional Queer Narratives | Instructor

January - May 2016

  • Co-created and taught a half-credit, student-led course exploring LGBTQ+ identities and narratives through the lenses of neuroscience, social sciences, and humanities.

Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science (FEMMES) | Instructor

February 2015 - May 2018

  • Facilitated science demonstrations and mentored local elementary- and middle-school girls in STEM through Duke’s FEMMES student outreach program.